Melbourne Golfing Tours – Terms & Conditions

General Liability
All information contained in this site is supplied by the people and organisations (herein after referred to as Suppliers) providing the various goods and/or services (hereinafter referred to as Products). In supplying this information to you, Melbourne Golfing Tours Pty Ltd (MGT) is acting as the agent of such Suppliers. Irrespective of any measures taken by MGT to ensure the information contained in this website is accurate, MGT disclaims and is exempt from liability in respect of anything misleading, false, incomplete or inaccurate and any errors, and all associated disappointment, loss, expense, damage, inconvenience, delay, death, shock, illness or injury however caused.

Prior to final payment itineraries are subject to alteration without notice and are intended as indicative only up until this point. MGT will attempt within reason to control the manner in which products featured within this website are provided, but cannot guarantee same and disclaims and will be exempt from liability for anything to do with the supply of such Products. This includes liability (whether as a matter of contract, tort, statute, restitution or otherwise) for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, liability, claim, cost, expense, proceeding, demand, penalty, disappointment, death, injury, illness, shock, inconvenience or delay. This limitation of liability also applies irrespective of the cause, including negligence by MGT or its Suppliers, withdrawal, cancellation or failure to provide a Product, delay and variation in the Product, the provision of substitute Products or a change in the Supplier. Without limitation, we will not be responsible if the Product is not available due to inclement weather or other acts of God.

MGT uses only well established and reputable transport suppliers, however can give no guarantee as to the exact arrival or departure times for such Suppliers used by the company in the tour and the company will not be liable for failure to make connections with any other services or attractions beyond its control. The images on this website are provided as a guide only.

Prices and Conditions
The prices/packages featured on this website, or in any written quotation, are provided using information provided by our Suppliers, and compiled by MGT. Prices and conditions are kept as current as possible, and every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of any quotation given. However MGT is not committed and is under no obligation to honour any such quote until such time as a final confirmation quotation has been sent by MGT to the Client, and the deposit monies are received and cleared into MGT bank account. Some Suppliers may impose price changes and conditions that vary from those stated on this website, or in any written quotation provided by MGT, and it shall be at the discretion of MGT as to which prices or conditions are valid. Prices listed on this website are in Australian Dollars and include GST where applicable, but do not include transport from your home port to holiday destination and return, items of a personal nature, meals (unless otherwise indicated) and or existing or proposed taxes and government charges (unless otherwise indicated)
Security Deposits and Final Payments

Package Tour Bookings
A minimum security deposit of 10% per person per booking is required within 72 hours of confirmation of your reservation. No formal accommodation, golf or transport reservations will be made until MGT receives this deposit. Full payment of your holiday cost is to be made no later than 21 days prior to travel.
With bookings made less than 21 days prior to travel full payment of the package cost is to be made immediately (within 48 hours of confirmation of your reservation). Please ensure payments are made within the specified time limits. If this does not happen your reservation may be cancelled without notice to you, and any deposit made may be lost in part or in full.
Only upon full and final payment do you have a final booking with the Supplier of the relevant goods and/or service. In arranging your booking the company is acting as an agent of the Supplier of the relevant product/s and at no time do you have a contract for these goods and services with the company

Golf Only Bookings
Payment in full is due immediately upon acceptance of any quotation provided by the company, providing written confirmation of same is received by the client from MGT.
No refund will be made for any golf purchased and unused by the client.
All discount Green Fee vouchers purchased will have an expiry date for use, which may range up to 6 months. The Company shall not be responsible for ensuring the green fee voucher is utilised before the expiry date, and will make no refunds for unexpired or expired vouchers. MGT will advise the expiry date at the time of booking.

Cancellation, Amendment and Refund Policy

Amendment Fees
Any amendment to your booking is subject to the approval of MGT and the relevant Supplier. Any approved change to your booking prior to, or after making final payment will incur a non waivable administrative charge of $50.00 per amendment in addition to any fees imposed by the Supplier.

Deposit Monies
If the client cancels a confirmed booking prior to final payment the security deposit may be forfeited in full. MGT will endeavour to recoup any funds held by MGT or its suppliers, however this will be strictly dependant on the terms and conditions imposed by the Suppliers and/or the company at the time of booking. These vary from supplier to supplier, and can be provided to the Client at the time of booking if requested. An administration charge of $50 per person will be deducted from any monies refunded

Final Payment Monies
After final payment there may be no refund of your security deposit or final payment. MGT will endeavour to recoup any funds held by MGT or its suppliers, however this will be strictly dependant on the terms and conditions imposed by the Suppliers and/or MGT at the time of booking. These vary from supplier to supplier, and can be provided to the Client at the time of booking if requested.
An administration charge of $100 per person will be made if successful in recouping any monies paid

Additional Charges
Additional charges may occur which are outside of MGT control or may be the fault of a member(s) of the tour group. The company will not be responsible for any such additional charges, and retains the right to demand any such charges from the client without reservation if any claim should be made on it by any Supplier.

Supplier Bonds or Deposits
Accommodation or transport suppliers may require bonds or credit card imprints to cover items such as vehicle excesses, telephones, mini-bars etc. The client agrees to provide such bonds or deposits as reasonably requested at the time of collection, booking or use of the product or service.
Travel Insurance
MGT strongly recommends travel insurance as it may protect you if you cancel your holiday due to unforeseen circumstances.

Accommodation Allocation
All effort will be made by the supplier to place guests in the requested unit. Where circumstances prevent this, an alternative unit will be allocated, and a refund may be made if a unit of lesser cost is provided.

Check In and Check Out Times
Unless otherwise indicated in writing, check in time with our accommodation providers is from 14:00 on the day of arrival and check out is 10:00 am on departure. Storage of luggage outside these hours may be made available by the accommodation provider upon your request.

Golf Carts
Motorised Golf Carts are included in the packages as indicated, however some Suppliers reserve the right to withdraw the use of carts due to adverse weather conditions or prior to major Pro Am or PGA events. Walking is permitted during this time and where possible will be advised at time of final confirmation. No refunds apply.

Course Renovations or Alterations
Golf renovations will occur at various times of year as part of the normal maintenance of the course. Where possible the group will be advised at the time of final confirmation, however the Suppliers reserve the right to amend the date or may provide MGT with minimum notice. Every endeavour will be made so the quality of play is not affected. No refunds apply where this occurs.

Course Requirements
There is a minimum standard of dress required when playing golf. This includes correct footwear, soft spikes only. Collared shirt, tailored trousers or shorts, no denim allowed. The local rules set down by each Golf Course must be abided by.

Where meals are included as a part of the golf package, special dietary requirements must be notified at the time of booking. If any additional costs occur due to a dietary change these will be passed on. Food or beverage not provided by the golf club may not be taken onto or consumed on the course or within the grounds of the golf club without the written consent of MGT or Supplier in question

Luggage Limit
Each passenger is entitled to take one medium size suitcase and one set of golf clubs. Baggage is entirely at the owners risk during the tour and we strongly recommend travel insurance be taken out by the traveller. A charge may be made by MGT or the Supplier for any luggage in excess of this limit.
Please note this clause does not include allowances or charges made by any airlines or accommodation providers contracted directly by the client.
Melbourne Golfing Tours Pty Ltd